The kick-off meeting at the end of March was the official starting point for the Erasmus+ project “Wear(e)able – best dressed sustainably”. Due to the prevailing restrictions in regard to the worldwide Covid-19 crisis, the meeting did not take place in Graz as planned, but was held online.
During the two days the partners from 4 different countries (bit schulungscenter, LOGO, Fundacja “Zielony Slon”, Active Youth and Jonathan) had the opportunity to present their organisation and to deal intensively with the concrete coordination and planning of the project implementation and to initiate first concrete steps towards implementation. The meeting, though online, was a successful start of the project.
The “Wear(e)able” project will last two years and will be paralelly implemented in four countries, Austria, Italy, Poland and Lithuania. Wear(e)able is concerned with the topic of sustainable clothing and is aimed at the main target group of young people in order to sensitise them concerning the topic and to offer them concrete alternatives for action. The main target group is directly involved throughout the project.